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KKV was founded by community leaders in 1972 in response to a lack of health services for Kalihi's low income, largely-immigrant Asian and Pacific Islander residents. KKV's mission is to "work toward healing, reconciliation and the alleviation of suffering in Kalihi Valley through strong relationships that honor culture and foster health and harmony."

Understanding health as wellbeing in the broadest sense, KKV pioneers holistic approaches to addressing the needs and aspirations of its economically-marginalized yet culturally-rich community. KKV's 200+ staff care for more than 15,000 Kalihi residents a year, from nine locations, including a main health clinic, a wellness center with a commercial kitchen/café, service sites in the largest public housing community in Hawai?i, an elder center, a municipal park, and a 100 acre nature and cultural preserve. Staff provide interpretation services in 26 languages and dialects.

KKV is recognized nationally as a leader in Social Determinants Of Health (SDOH) programming with a 49-year history of implementing innovative programs, and annually hosts hundreds of visitors and students interested in studying KKV's community-and culturally-based approach. 

2239 N. School Street
Honolulu, HI 96819
Open jobs: 4
Industry: Healthcare