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RCUH is akin to a service bureau. It hires personnel and procures goods and services on behalf of its clients, which include the University of Hawaii as its major client, other state agencies, and private research and training organizations. Because of its exemption from state statutes such as those relating to procurement and personnel, RCUH has the flexibility to function more like a business. Accordingly, RCUH has its own personnel, payroll, accounting, and disbursing systems, independent of the state and University systems. This makes it possible for RCUH to process transactions expeditiously, which in turn makes it possible for the researchers to focus more of their efforts on research rather than administrative activities. While most of the projects handled by RCUH are in the State of Hawaii, many transcend the boundaries of the state into different parts of the world. Because of the unique nature of research activities, RCUH must remain flexible to meet the needs of projects, while at the same time adhering to the rules and regulations attached to projects by sponsoring agencies.

1601 East West Road, 4th Floor
Honolulu, HI 96848
Open jobs: 33
Industry: Science & Research
Founded: 1965
Employees: 2800