Epidemiologist I

Feb 06 2025
Job Description



Disease Outbreak Control Division

Disease Investigation Branch

Downtown, Oahu


Epidemiologist I


$6,399 - $7,485 monthly, salary commensurate with training & experience


Exempt, non-civil service, full-time, temporary appointment.  The primary purpose of this position is to study the distribution and determinants of health-related states and events in particular populations as they related to arboviral diseases and to apply this study to the control of health problems in this subject area.


This position provides a trained and needed workforce able to responds to arboviral disease cases and outbreaks; essential to improving DOH’s ability to conduct enhanced arboviral disease surveillance, and response.  This position will gather and evaluate appropriate surveillance data and submissions to the Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) ArboNet, identifying and investigating arboviral cases and outbreaks, including coordinating control and prevention measures.  This position coordinates intra-departmental surveillance for arboviral illnesses (Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and West Nile viruses); facilitates training of epidemiolocal specialists in the investigation of arbovirus disease investigations/outbreaks; and serves as liaison and consultant to the State Laboratories Division (SLD) regarding testing for arbovirus pathogens.



 Minimum Qualification


Education & Experience:  Master's Degree in Epidemiology or health-related field for which the candidate completed and passed at least three (3) epidemiological methods courses, one of which must be an advanced level, and at least two (2) biostatistics courses requiring mastery of large datasets and analyses using a statistical software application. Each qualifying course should have fulfilled a minimum of 2 credits.


Knowledge:  Principles, practices, and techniques of epidemiology analysis; principles and practices of public health and public administration, including the general organization, functions, services, and objectives of public health programs; public health and medical research methods and techniques, including analysis of risk factors; statistical analysis methodology; human and environmental biology and behavioral sciences and principles; community and medical resources; and principles of disease causation.


Abilities:  Evaluate the relative importance of areas of research; critical thinking; plan, direct, coordinate, and evaluate the work of others; plan, conduct, and evaluate public health epidemiologic research and advise others in these activities; prepare program and budget plans; evaluate program operations; establish and maintain effective working relationships with others; speak and write English effectively, including effective public speaking; prepare clear, concise, and comprehensive reports; and work under pressure and challenging or unusual conditions.


Travel may be required.


License:  Valid State of Hawaii driver’s license is preferred.

Who May Apply                                                            


LEGAL AUTHORIZATION TO WORK REQUIREMENT:  The State of Hawaii requires that all persons seeking employment with the government of the State shall be citizens, nationals, or permanent resident aliens of the United States, or eligible under federal law for unrestricted employment in the United States.


How to Apply


Submit completed State of Hawai`i Application for Non-Civil Service Appointment with original signature, resume, and salary requirements to:


State of Hawaii

Department of Health

P.O. Box 3378

Honolulu, Hawaii 96801-3378

Attn:  Recruitment & Examination


Recruitment is continuous until needs are met for position #123050.


Application packet at:  https://health.hawaii.gov/employment/job-opportunities/


Other Information


For additional information, you may contact Lindsay Woodward, [email protected].   


This position is exempt from civil service and considered temporary in nature.  Therefore, if you are appointed to the position, your employment will be considered to be “at will,” which means that you may be discharged from your employment at the prerogative of your department head or designee at any time.


The mission of the Department of Health is to protect and improve the health and environment for all people in Hawaii. HDOH supports a diverse-multicultural workforce that reflects the community, promotes equal opportunity at all levels, and creates an inclusive work environment, free from discrimination.


An Equal Opportunity Employer