Project LAUNCH Program Coordinator

Feb 06 2025
Job Description


Family Health ServicesDivision Downtown, Oahu



$63,096-$68,280yearly,salarycommensuratew/trainingand experience

Exempt, non-civil service, temporary, full-time appointment. This position will oversee mental health and wellness activitiesforyoungchildren(birththroughageeight)andtoadministertheProject Linking Actions for Unmet NeedsinChildren'sHealth(LAUNCH)Grant.Thepositionwillprovideprojectleadershipprogramdevelopment and implementation and managing the day-to-day operations of this project. The position will oversee health screenings and referrals for children and adults; provide trainings and workshops to families, healthcare providers, and child care providers; and serve as the primary communication between Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Project Officer and Hawaii project staff.





EDUCATION:Graduationfromanaccreditedcollegeoruniversitywithabachelor’s degree.


GENERAL EXPERIENCE:One and one-half (1½) years of progressively responsible professional work experience which required a high degree of analytical skill. Such experience must have involved gathering, evaluating, and analyzing facts and other pertinent information required to resolve problems and/or to determine and recommend appropriate courses of action.Such experience must have demonstratedthe ability to elicit information orally and in writing; read, and comprehend, interpret, and evaluate technical subjects, analyses, or proposals; and apply problem-solvingmethodsand techniques,suchasdefiningandanalyzingproblems,identifyingalternativecoursesof action, using judgment in appropriate alternatives, and prepare clear and concise written reports and recommendations for action.


SPECIALIZEDEXPERIENCE:One(1)yearofprogressivelyresponsibleworkexperienceinoneoracombinationof the following:

1.     Program Specialist Experience: Professional work experience in any field which involved work such as monitoring, evaluating, orconductingstudies and analyses of program orprojects to make recommendations forthe developmentorrevisionofstandards,policies,procedures,ortechniques;gatheringandanalyzingdatatodetermine conformance with standards and requirements and recommending improvements or developing training materials; giving technical advice and direction pertaining to program standards, requirements, or techniques.


2.     ProgramExperience:Professionalexperienceinapertinentfield/programarearelatedtoanagency’s/programs role, function, operations, and/or program activities which provided knowledge of principles and practices, current issuesandconcernsoftheidentifiedfield/programareaand Stateandfederalagencies,community,resources,and services that interact with and have an impact on agency’s programs and activities.

SUBSTITUTIONS ALLOWED: 1) Possession of a master’s degree or an accredited college or university may be substitutedforone(1)yearoftheGeneralExperience.2)ExcessSpecializedExperiencemaybesubstitutedforthe General Experience on a year-for-year basis.


WhoMay Apply

LEGAL AUTHORIZATION TO WORK REQUIREMENT:The State of Hawaii requires that all persons seeking employmentwiththegovernmentoftheStateshallbecitizens,nationals,orpermanentresidentaliensoftheUnited States, or eligible under federal law for unrestricted employment in the United States.

Howto Apply


SubmitcompletedStateofHawai’iApplicationforNon-CivilServiceAppointmentwithoriginalsignature,three(3) references, detailed resume, and salary requirements to:

Departmentof Health

FamilyHealthServicesDivision 741 Sunset Avenue

Honolulu,Hawaii96816 Attn: Keiko Nitta



Application packet at:



Foradditionalinformation,youmayKeikoNittaat [email protected].


Thispositionisexemptfromcivilservice.Therefore,ifyouareappointedtotheposition,youremploymentwillbe considered to be “at will.”






AnEqualOpportunityEmployer                                            10/28/24